Gianna Ritornaro
“Gianna Ritornaro is a 25-year-old mixed media artist originally from Freehold, New Jersey, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida. She transferred from Brookdale Community College in 2021 to the University of Tampa, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in May of 2023.
Her creative practice is driven by her passion for variety, exploration, experimentation, and spontaneity. Gianna engages in a very experimental process, learning to understand and embrace the nature of uncertainty. She loves working on large scale, using mostly watered down acrylics, spray paint, molding paste, and oil pastel. Influenced by different environments, past experiences, memories, and the ever-changing aspects of nature she evokes intense emotion and chaotic energy into her work.
Her work is informed by her ability to respond to distinct brushstrokes and forms as they emerge throughout the process of layering, revealing, and concealing different elements. Starting off as chaotic, erratic, and fast-paced, as she progresses, she revisits and refines her work, becoming more intentional, creating a buildup of texture and complexities. How these elements come together to create a sense of harmony and discord speaks to the movement and flow of her life. Gianna aims to evoke an intuitive response in viewers, inviting them to reflect on their own experiences.”